ELSS fund stands for (Equity Link Saving Scheme) its one the tax saving option among all under Income tax Sec 80 C. It’s pure equity based mutual fund and fund invests on predefined investment objective to generate higher return in longer term
Feature of ELSS Fund
- There is no complain of investment in ELSS in subsequent years like Insurance policy has
- Shortest Lock-in period among all tax saving option
- A couple of Varieties of funds to invest ( Like Fund has biased of Large, Mid or small company exposure
- Its pure vanilla product easy to understand,
- Very easy to track the performance of fund on regular basis
- ELSS fund has both growth and dividend option to choose upon
- May Start investing as low as with Rs. 100
Benefit of ELSS Fund
- Generate significant higher return compared to all option under income tax Sec 80 C
- One can investment as a lumpsum any point of time
- One May opt SIP ( Systematic Investment plan) route to invest on monthly basis
- A few funds has delivered more than 20% CAGR return in last 25 years
- Money has grown more than 7 time higher over Provident fund investment in last 25 years
- In Case of emergency investor may redeem investment after completing 3 years of investment
- Investing in ELSS fund investor money can grow along with india’s growth
- ELSS provides benefit of Diversification of Companies & Sectors
- Professional management of money with low of money management