In INDIA,Mutual Funds are regulated by the Securities & Exchange Board of India.SEBI has formed “SEBI MF Regulations 1996” to regulate functioning of Mutual Funds.
Mutual funds are well regulated by SEBI. SEBI has formed three tired structure between sponsor, Trustee and Asset Management Company to ensure safety of investor’s money. Different agencies are involved in the functioning of the Mutual funds, like custodian is responsible for safekeeping of securities, transfer agent is responsible for creation of units and other services, Auditors verify that accounting is done properly as per regulations. Brokers are members of stock exchanges who provide services of buying and selling of securities. Trustees are responsible to take care of unit holder’s interest and reporting to SEBI. So the entire functioning doesn’t remain with Asset Management Company or Sponsors.

Regulator(SEBI):-Securities & Exchange Board of India who regulate functioning of Mutual Funds
Sponsor:-is basically promoter of the Mutual Fund Company
Trust:- is Set upped by Promoter & registered under SEBI Asset Management Company:-AMC is created by Promoter under “The companies Act 1956”.
Custodian:- In Mutual funds , Asset Management Company buys different securities in the forms of Shares, bonds, gold etc. in different schemes. These Securities are bought in the name of Trust but they are not kept with the Trust. The responsibility of safe keeping the securities is on the custodian.
Registrar & Transfer Agent:-Registrar & Transfer agent has a responsibility of performing many administrative jobs like processing of applications of investors, creating units when new investment is made, removing units when investors made redemptions, keeping full record of investors, processing dividend payout
Auditor:-An Auditor’s role is to examine books of accounts and annual report of all the schemes as an independent auditor. Asset Management Companies are also required to maintain their books of accounts and get the audit done under The Companies Act, 1956
Brokers:-Brokers are registered members of the stock exchange whose services are utilized by AMCs to buy and sells securities on the stock exchanges.