If something offered free or in deep discounted price. It does not mean we should buy those things even we are not in need. One must consider a few points before taking any buying decision
- Is really offered cheaper than the local market or mall price, Have we cross checked seriously
- Do i really short of the thing which i am buying
- I am just buying to impress colleague, friends, relatives 0r neighbour
- Think twice that Earlier bought goods in discounted sell still worth enough
- Company offering “ZERO Interest EMI” and “Cashback” option due to that i am tempted to buy Even EMI option is available that does not change utility of products, “buy today, pay later” is western culture and “save first, then buy” is indian culture in this case we ought to follow indian culture
“ Saving 1 Rupee = Earning one rupee”
“Do not invest the money which is left after spending, but do spend which is left after investing”
SO be serious & honest before pressing buying button on discounted sell